Provides the most convenient way to Public Prosecutor to record court proceeding

Latest Version

Apr 15, 2024
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e-Prosecution APP

eProsecution mobile app provides a safe and secure platform for public prosecutors under Directorate of Prosecution (Statewide) to maintain case proceedings details on any crime filed by state police in the court. It provides interface to view and record legal opinions on FIRs, scrutiny details on draft charge sheets and daily under trial record keeping on the cases assigned to public prosecutors. This is one stop solution to view and track past cases. The app provides relevant information from other legal entities as well.

Key Features:-
1. Maintains user profile of registered public prosecutor.
2. Dashboard for Prosecutors on Daily Record entries.
3. Real-time data fetch for case verification from state Police and concerned Court.
4. Access to Cause list and case registration.
5. Tracking Cases under Legal Opinion and Court Affairs.
6. Auto SMS and Email based intimation to officers during all communication.
7. Performance Report on 12 KPIs for evaluating prosecutors' work.
8. Various MIS and Monitoring report generation.
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