E New Purut APP
If you do not have an account, you must register first by clicking 'new register'. and follow the instructions. and make sure your password is easy to remember. After completing registration, you will first login with the email and password you created. After that you will be on the medical card list page. enter the list of medical cards in your family list. One account can register many people. so you can register your family, friends, neighbors.
If you don't have a medical card, you can register by selecting a new menu. by preparing a photo ID card or family card. to be uploaded when you register. Make sure the size of the uploaded file is no more than 2 MB.
if there is already a medical card list, then you can register for treatment at the clinic. by clicking the register button on the left. After that, the registration page will appear. if you pay yourself, without a guarantor, then you can choose 'register your own fee. If you are a BPJS participant, you choose BPJS participant registration and others. after that you are asked to choose the intended clinic. after saved, then your clinic queue number. will appear.click, back, to forward.
after you register then, if you will see your registration information, then click the register button again to the left of the treatment card number. a new menu will appear, namely the 'registration info' menu. This contains the clinic queue number data, the same as when you saved the registration earlier. in the registration info there is a menu to cancel registration, if you still haven't checked. there is also info on complaints and medical actions given.
If you are already registered in this application, if you want to register again, there is no need to add registrants, please click register to the clinic. then your data has been registered.
so congratulations on using this application.