DX Henshin Belt SABER GAME
Lets Play the DX Saber henshin belt and transform every time. And share this DX henshin belt to other fellow Saber henshin fans.
Mode :
1. Intro or Wonder rider books Prolog mode in HD Sound and Effect
2. Henshin Mode
3. Wonder Ride book Scan Mode
4. Attack and Rider Finisher Mode
Feature :
1. Complete Wonder Ride Book selections in All Type such as : God Beast, Animal, History, and Super Wonder Ride Books. We are Promise to adding more Wonder Ride Books In next update
2. Saber Sword Mode, Blade Sword Mode, and Espada Sword Mode
3. Full Effects and so Beautyful User Interface
4. Completed with Textual UI in Every events and Actions
5. High Definition Sounds and Real Animations Sequences like the original DX in the Market
Disclaimer :
For more satisfactions, you should to Buy the Real DX Saber in Real World Market in this Live