DW Streaming APP
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The DWBN Streaming is a restricted-access streaming app of the Diamond Way Buddhism Network. Buddhist practitioners can ask for access information and a login credentials in their local Diamond Way Buddhist center.
About Diamond Way streamings
The live streaming is an alternative access to Dharma teachings for those who are not able to attend a lecture and it should be treated as such. If you opt for streaming, the best is to watch it together with friends in your center. This will give the best experience for everybody.
Take it as it comes, the streaming team is doing their best to provide the teachings to you via Internet. Most of the time it works very well, sometimes it doesn't, usually due to technical reasons.
We can only transmit teachings. Empowerments, lungs (tib.), meditations and other ceremonies can be transmitted only partially or not at all (usually just the introductory explanations and the final blessing line). The reason is not secrecy (anyone can come) but that simply a direct transmission from a living teacher is needed in such Vajrayana practices. In such case, the streaming is off or the sound is muted.
Last but not least, please, do not record streamings, not even for private use or password-protected sangha-only websites. There is always an official recording of lectures and courses for our archives and Buddhist centers' libraries. Again, the only reason is to prevent dozens of different quality recordings to circulate online.