Who reads this Durood (day/night) will gain the position similar to Wali.

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Jul 13, 2024

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Durood e Muqaddas APP

Whoever reads this Durood Shareef (Durood e Muqaddas) in excess (day/night) will gain the maqaam or position similar to Wali, Qutub, Abdaal and Ghouse. The gains include that all the sins however big or small will be forgiven even if they are equal to the surf of oceans.

Reading Durood e Muqaddas once after Fajr Salah will make Aalam e Sakraat easy and the questions asked in Qabr by Munkar and Nakeer will be easy to answer.

If one reads Durood e Maqqaddas for 7 Thursdays at the time of Tahajjud 11 times then one will get Shifaa from all kinds of ailments/diseases and if one makes a taaweez of this Durood Shareef and puts it in his/her neck then one will become safe from all jinns and will also be safe from the shayaateen who create waswasaas (evil whispers) and irritations.
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