Duly Noted allows you to instantly send quick emails with a one button shortcut

Latest Version

Jan 19, 2025

App APKs

Duly Noted APP

Do you find yourself constantly getting out your phone to write a quick email reminder? If so, Duly Noted is a simple application that can save you a lot of time and hassle by automating the process to 1-touch!

Duly Noted allows you to configure 1-2 shortcut buttons that instantly send notes to pre-configured email addresses using a Google account on your phone to deliver the message.

Using a traditional email client, you must navigate the interface and type out a "To:", "Subject:", "Body:", etc. With Duly Noted you can quickly focus on your note and then just tap the shortcut and you're done! (greatly reducing the time it takes you to send the note) Watch the video above!

+ Fire-and-forget 1 touch email sending!
+ One or two configurable email shortcut buttons
+ Supports "Share" Android native functionality for sending links and webpages
+ Very informative notifications on the status of your outgoing email
+ Successful notifications auto-timeout, while errors stay in the notification bar as an FYI
+ Set it as a lockscreen shortcut for super fast notes!
+ Free! No ads!

While the app must use and access a Google Account on your phone to send the outgoing message, rest assured that the application does not attempt to access your data or track anything you do.

Author's note:
I wrote this app for myself a few years ago, and to this day it continues to be one of the most-used apps on my phone. At the end of some days I'll have sent 5-10 messages to myself via Duly Noted. I'm now releasing it for free for others to benefit from the productivity it provides!

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