Dude, where's my car? APP
A phone with GPS is strongly recommended to make full use of the app, but by no means required.
App is exceptionally simple to operate.
Just use the app to save your car location once you've arrived at your destination by clicking the "Save Car Location" button.
When you're ready to locate your car, just fire up the app and click the "Go To My Location" button to pinpoint your current location on the app's map.
Click the "Find Car Location" button to display your car's location in relation to your current location on the map.
Use the map to find your car, as you move, your current location will update in real time on the map.
Before you know it, you'll be back at your car (assuming your GPS is on, if its not on then who knows where you'll end up, so please make sure that your GPS is on when using the app).
Version 4 update notes
- Updated zoom level when user clicks 'Find Car Location'
- Added easter egg for displaying the FifiMÓN.
Clue to uncover easter egg follows,
Go on fearless hiker, on thy journey doth thou intrepidly press on, hard and LONG,
For as long as thou always remember that, "For accuracy the GPS must be ÓN",
Most assuredly you will come face to face with.............the FifiMÓN.
Good luck, happy hunting ;D