Dsm grup APP
☑ As a place for channeling the talents and appreciation of music and song lovers to be shown to the public on the internet media.
☑ Provides an experience for song fans to sing their voices in the recording studio.
☑ To trigger the enthusiasm of music lovers and songs to create new works in the country.
☑ An event to find the next generation of talent in the field of singing.
☑ Learning facilities to improve vocal art individually.
DSM GRUP would like to thank all Arrangers, Musicians, Songwriters and Copyright Owners whose song content is covered in this video. All content in this video is not commercialized and is not traded, only for entertainment purposes. . . DSM GRUP only provides recording services and processes it into audio-visual form and helps publish it to all social media on the internet. . . For those who do not wish or object to the content of the song work and the musical composition in this video, please contact us to remove this video from the public. . .