Driver CPC Case Studies LGV APP
140 case studies with over 800 questions
Written learning material with bite-size informative videos covering the DVSA syllabus.
Keep track of your progress, making sure you're 100% ready for the test.
Written by industry professionals
Part 2 Practice Case Studies & Learning Material: £12.99
FREE Part 1a & 1b Multiple-Choice Theory & 20 Practice Hazard Perception Clips
One practice case study is available for free to help you consider whether to complete an in-app purcase
Note: You should be consistently passing ALL the practice case studies before you consider yourself ready for the official test.
If you have a specific query or don't understand the explanations behind any questions/answers, please email, and our trained industry professionals will be happy to give you more guidance
This app does not include a desktop version
Also includes:
Part 1a Multiple Choice Theory Test
Over 1,000 of the latest part 1a theory test practice questions were provided by the Driver & Standards Vehicle Agency.
Learning material and bite-size videos covering the DVSA syllabus
20 of the latest part 1b CGI hazard perception clips provided by the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency
Crown Copyright material reproduced under licence from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency which does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the reproduction.
Material is licenced by Please note: Purchase of this app does not give a user access to the web-based version or vice versa.
Logistics training (UK) Ltd has been offering web-based theory and part 2 CPC training since 2014. Staffed with industry professionals, everyone within the company currently holds an LGV Licence and is well placed to respond quickly to any questions regarding your path to becoming a lorry driver.
Please note: The revision materials in this app are NOT the official questions you will present during the official test.
The DVSA does not release any live questions or publish a revision question set for the CPC part 2 case studies test. The questions in this product have been written by industry professionals and cover the DVSA's CPC test syllabus. If you are consistently passing the practice case studies within this app, you should have no problem passing the CPC part 2 case studies test.
A voiceover option is not available on this app