Dragon Food APP
Why is Dragon Food the best food delivery app?
- Here you can find dishes for every taste
- No extra charges and over payments. Food is ordered at restaurant menu prices with multiple delivery options
- Exclusive promotions from restaurants and many special offers and promotions
- Bonus points are awarded, which you can use in the future by exchanging them for points for food
Benefits of the efood app:
- Availability of express delivery in 40 minutes or less with the ability to track your order
- Delicious food in just a few touches. No calls and tedious waiting!
- Didn't find your favorite restaurant? Email us and we will add it to the list.
- Photos of dishes and the current menu, as well as reviews of restaurants and a rating system - all to make the right choice.
- Friendly call center staff will always be happy to help.
You can send your suggestions or comments to contactusdragonfood@gmail.com