Dragon Bank APP
When designing the Dragon Bank, our focus was to create a product that would assist parents in teaching their children three simple but important financial habits…habits that a child as young as four could grasp:
How to Spend Wisely
How to Save Effectively
And How to Give Generously
The Dragon Bank is a kid's bank, and an online learning hub to help parents teach their kids great money habits. And by starting early, you are setting the foundation for a lifetime of great saving habits in your kids!
Many young children already earn a little money. It could be from the tooth fairy, birthdays, holidays or even allowance, but the start to receive money at an early age. What we don't start doing at an early age is really learning how to save and make smart money choices…..and that is a real issue for kids as they get a little older.
That is why it is crucial to start your children on this lifelong practice while they're young enough to cement these valuable habits. The Dragon Bank helps instill these habits by:
Helping Teach Kids to Spend Wisely: You and your child determine what part of their earnings go to spending on all the cool stuff they want, while starting to learn the importance of smart choices
Helping Kids to Save Effectively: Together, you can determine how much of their earnings are available for long-term savings that can eventually be used as investments that will build wealth for your child.
Helping Kids Learn to Give Generously: Children learn early on the power of giving, both with their actions and their own money by encouraging donating a little of both.
Dragon Bank
As parents, we often believe we can't save or even donate the money we would like, because we just don't earn enough. In the majority of cases this is simply not true. The real reason is often pretty simple. We can't save money because creating the habit of saving a portion of income has never been developed, practiced or ingrained.
This habit is the foundation of Dragon Bank.