Dr Diary APP
It’s a work diary that enables you to track activities that are part of your job plan, on the go. It’s for doctors who want to understand their working patterns and take control of their professional development.
Track your activities, know your work patterns, steer your job plan:
Use the app to accurately reflect the reality of your work.
View the reports to see what your workload looks like in terms of sessions or programmed activities (PAs) and how this compares to your job plan.
Identify patterns to help plan future work and demonstrate areas for negotiation at your next appraisal or job plan review meeting.
Key features include:
• Add activities to your diary while offline
• Personalise activities to fit the nature of your work
• Choose to use either 15 or 30-minute time slots
• Track your work for more than one employer
• Copy a whole day or week of activities to another date
• View summary reports on the app
• See more detailed reports and share these with your employer at https://doctordiary.bma.org.uk