We build a smart school by providing a complete cloud based school management app and school ERP system that automates the routine tasks for a teacher and enables communication between Teachers, Students & Parents.
Why to choose us ?
School Administration: School setup like defining class and section as well as subjects for each class can be defined in an easy to use interface.
Attendance Entry: Keep student attendance record day wise or each period slot wise. Notification is sent to parents about the absence as well as parent can view attendance information through app.
Homework : Homework, class assignments are very easy to create and communicate using app with notification sent to parents immediately with each homework recorded.
Assignment & Evaluation: Assignment & its evaluation is recorded by teacher and instantly updated to parents through mobile app, parents can view which class assignment is complete or incomplete.
Communication: Parent teacher staff communicate via instant messaging through Mobile App, everyone gets a separate login and views information as per permission by the school. Send a message to one person or entire group in a easy and efficient manner.
Time Table: Time table entry in bulk using day wise or date wise, making time table creation easy. School start and end time for each class and period, slot can be defined with duration ,type. Teacher, subject , chapter and topic assignment. Record weekly off and holidays.
Exam Results: Set up exam type, grades, maximum marks, correlation between grade-marks and Exam results. view the result through mobile app.
Vehicle Tracking: Track with mobile or GPS device. Create vehicles, stop location and vehicle details, fuel entry and driver assignment. view the location of vehicle on mobile app.
Fee management: Define Fee types monthly or session wise ,manage Transport fee distance wise Assign class fee, modify student fees.
Security and permissions: Administrator controls permissions for each module as well as user type, set permission for individual staff. Data security and backup , user management is available for both app as well as desktop.
Backup: cloud backup is taken daily to avoid data loss. Restore function is available on request.
SMS: SMS can be sent through application.
Library: Books issue and return notification to parent , student or staff, check book issued and its due date.