DPI Conversion DPI Checker APP
This app is guide for every android developer. We have provided a colossal collection of android phones with dots per inch ranging from 125 to 600, covering majority of options available in the market. Choose from 300+ screen resolution sizes. Find out dp to pixels, by selecting dp in the drop-down menu, then enter value in PPI and press the convert button.
Design UI at your mobile's density to make your app perfectly fit your mobile. Simply plugin smallest width, height, diagonal size to get instant result value. This app has built in conversion tool, no need to do complex calculations by yourself, simply plug in the values. Drawable buckets is grouped into idpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi , xxxhdpi. By finding out the actual PPI of your mobile, you can make your layouts very precise.
With dpi conversion value you can turn pixels to dp and vice versa. Make android emulator with different screen resolution sizes to test and launch your app. Make your app compatible with different screen dimensions such as 240x320, 768x1280, 1080x1920, 2160x3840, etc. Group drawables into respective densities by values generated by this tool.
• Detect Resolution in DPI
• Save common screen sizes
• Convert px to dp
• Makes Custom Devices
• Find smallest width, screen density, my screen resolution