Dostupno APP
A large number of filters allow you to find a location to have a good time without any inconvenience caused by looking for help to get to an architecturally inaccessible location.
What information will you find?
The level of convenience of entry - the presence of a ramp, stairs; barrier-free space inside; convenience of restrooms.
Convenience for people with little kids and strollers
Availability of accessible parking, bicycle parking, pet-friendly locations and more.
What locations are on the map?
Places of entertainment: cinemas, cafes, restaurants, shopping malls and so on.
Administrative buildings: regional state administrations, city councils, administrative service centers, courts, etc.
Public spaces: museums, libraries, parks, etc.
As well as banks, pharmacies, supermarkets, railway stations and many others.
Currently, our map includes 14 Ukrainian cities, whose number will soon increase to 23 with more than 400 locations. And, of course, we are constantly filling the map with new locations.
You can also contribute to creating accessibility map by adding your locations.