app connecting farmers,buyers,advisers & renters for communicate,buying,selling

Latest Version

Apr 29, 2020
Google Play ID

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Dosth - farmer. buyer. adv APP

‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’

Dosth is an app which gives a technological boost to the players in Agricultural, Poultry, Dairy
industries and allows them to market their products right from their home

A user can choose from the roles of Farmer, Buyer, Adviser, and Renter and communicate with the players as per his needs

How it works:

• Join people across the country in Agriculture, Dairy, poultry communities using Dosth app
• A user who signed as
    1.Farmer/Seller - can publicize to market his produce, seek advice, rent agricultural equipment and produce transport options
    2.Buyer – can search for available offers and bid his need for goods
    3.Adviser - can share his experiences for a particular problem or share his opinions on the latest trends in these industries
    4.Renter - can offer machinery for Agriculture, dairy needs, transportation vehicles, etc.
• Browse Daily Market prices
• Browse Weather updates
• Connect to individuals directly

Current situation without Dosth

• The role played by Farmers in nourishing generations of people is indispensable, yet farming remains to be one of the underlooked profession in our country
• Farm produce is not evaluated at the right price. Middlemen, brokers make the situation even worse
• Produce transportation, storage needs, equipment are an additional burden on the Farmers
• Search for Information on Weather, Market Prices of Produce, New trends, and practices in Farming is all over the place and in multiple different channels

Dosth will be a one-stop solution for all farmer needs – come join us to be the change

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