Donkey Sounds APP
The donkey or ass, Equus africanus asinus, is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. Wild donkeys, called burros, live in desert plains, where they survive on little food and water for long periods. Donkeys have a two-toned call that sounds pretty funny. In English, this sound is called braying, and is written as hee-haw.
Donkeys make a loud sound developed in order to maintain contact with other donkeys over wide spaces in the desert. This is called a bray. While donkeys in captivity have no need to stay in contact with other donkeys over space, they will still bray for a variety of reasons.
Donkey Sounds app Features :
● All Sounds are high quality sounds
● App can work in the background
● Auto-play sounds mode available
● App works offline after download.
● Free App
● Set any Sound as Ringtone, Alarm tone, Notification tone.
How to Install and use Donkey sounds App?
> Install the app from play store
> Open the app and from bottom right menu play any sound
> Click on top right corner bell icon to set any sound as ringtone.
That's It !!