Following are the use of the app:
• Easy to access via android or other smart phones ( would be accessed by many beneficiaries for online scheme application.)
• Status of Application can be tracked any time through mobile.
• Services available at fingertips.
• GIS, Latitude, Longitude tagging of waterbody can be done by officials for a waterbody on visit to the waterbody.
• Farmer can access the training materials through oliine repository of training material both in vedio as well text through mobile in mobile app.
A login id and password would be required for signing in the application which can be obtained from the signup link. A message containing user id and password will enable the login process .
Main objective of this Directorate is to plan, monitor, supervise & implement the different fishery development programmes, facilitate the resource for enhancement of fish productivity and marketing of fish and analysis of projects and schemes on a scientific basis.
Aims of the Directorate
• Increase the production of the fish in the state.
• Welfare of the people who are involved in Fisheries.
• Management and conservation the fisheries resources.
• Infrastructure Development for better facilities for fisheries.
• Impart training to fisherman and fish farmer.
• Development of aquaculture in the state.
• Generating employment and higher income in the fisheries sector.
• Increase the per capita availability and consumption of fish.
• Prevent and control disease in fishes.
• Forming cooperatives and SHG’S for expanding market potential.
In the year 1923, in the Finance Department a separate ‘section’ of fisheries was created and this began the Fisheries extension work in India. In 1929, this ‘section’ was transferred to Industries Department. In 1936, three posts were sanctioned to look in to the work of north, south and central Bihar. This section was again transferred to Agriculture Department in 1956. Sub-divisional and District posts were sanctioned to provide quality fish seed to farmers. On 10th October 1964, Government sanctioned a separate Directorate of Fisheries and was annexed to the Animal & Fish Resources Department. Currently the Directorate of fisheries continues to be under the Department of Animal and Fish Resources. It is headed by Director Fishery and it has (District Fishery Officer) DFO in all the districts of Bihar.
Current Scenario and Scope
The river system of the country comprises 14 major rivers (catchments >20,000 km2), 44 medium rivers (catchments 2,000 to 20,000 km2) and innumerable small rivers and desert streams (catchments area <2,000 km2). Different river systems of the country, having a combined length of 29,000 km, provide one of the richest fish genetic resources in the world. The floodplain lakes are primarily continuum of rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra. These are in the form of oxbow-lakes (Mauns, Chaurs, Jheels, Beels as they are called locally), especially in Assam, Manipur, West Bengal, Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh (212.213 thousand ha). They occupy important position in the inland fisheries of India because of their magnitude as well as their production potential. Besides, the resources under ponds and tanks have been estimated at 2.254 million ha.