DNS tools APP
What you can do with Network Tools:
- Gather information about your device's mobile connection (if it is connected or not, roaming or not, which connection type it is having with the cell and the signal strenght, the IMEI and the SIM serial number) and your wifi connection (IP address, gateway, DNS servers and netmask).
- Get your current public IP address (using ipify.org)
- Ping any local or remote host by name or IP address and get basic realtime statistics about the ping results (average ping time and percentage of success)
- Query a DNS server for a name. Allows you to specify which DNS server to query and which record types to query (it actually supports A, CNAME, TXT, MX and NS records).
- Query the main root DNS servers for a record (useful to monitor DNS propagation).
All functions come with history support to get fast access to repetitive tasks.