DLRG Heddesheim APP
As a non-profit registered in the register of associations Weinheim club DLRG Heddesheim eV is a subdivision of the DLRG district Rhein-Neckar eV in the National Association of Baden eV and offers a lot of opportunities as
- Kinder-/Baby-/Kleinkinderschwimmen and water habituation,
- Adult swimming lessons,
- Youth and rescue swimming badge decrease,
- First aid and medical courses,
- Snorkel diving badges and
- Training for use of divers DLRG,
- Vocational Training Water Rescue Service,
- Youth work, meetings, retreats, trips
and much more.
To this end, there is this app that the information collected can quickly, conveniently and at request as push messages to the mobile phones of members!
For questions, reviews and problems, please contact us directly at webmaster@heddesheim.dlrg.de