Dizilah APP
Dizilah lets you find, rate, review, and keep track of your favorite past and present Turkish shows.
Like our website, the Dizilah app lets you:
* Keep track of Turkish dramas you're currently watching or want to watch.
Discover new and upcoming Turkish series, notifying you when they premiere.
* Create a personalized dizi calendar so that you never miss an episode again.
* Get access to the ratings of your favorite past and present Turkish dramas.
* Keep up with everything happening in diziland: breaking news, buzzworthy releases, award shows, and exclusive interviews.
* Find out immediately when your favorite shows have been canceled, renewed, or are concluding.
* Write a review and react to episodes you have watched.
* Get tailored updates on new releases, personalized recommendations, and more.
* Follow your friends and keep up with what dizis you are currently watching together.
* See the top trending shows and couples based on social media interactions.
* Get surprising insights about your TV habits over time with in-depth statistics.
* Create personal lists to better organize and share your favorite TV series.
*"Heart" your favorite dizi couples to let people know you ship 'em!
....and much more!
Please note: You cannot watch TV shows with Dizilah.
Questions? Suggestions? Say merhaba at support@dizilah.com.