Discover APP
Discovery Bible Studies help ask simple questions about the actual text. Questions which are easily remembered and easily applied - but are surprisingly powerful in enabling you to understand God's word for your life. A great start to learn more about Isa-e Masih and the Christian faith. It is best used in a group context.
• Available in English, Arabic, Somali, Dari, Pashto, Turkish and Indonesian
• 28 study creation to Christ Fusha Arabic series
• Text and Audio available for all DBS studies
• Download facility allows text and audio to be used offline
• Bluetooth sharing allows both the app and the DBS studies to be passed on easily
A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) app which allows users to explore the Bible for themselves. Ideal for catalysing Disciple Making Movements (DMM) in remote contexts.
If you are looking to a launch Discovery Bible Study groups, find a DBS lesson set, train leaders or run DBS groups in areas with poor literacy, the Discover App is an invaluable tool.