DirectShifts | Healthcare Jobs APP
Join our community of +750,000 clinicians and get started today!
Create your free account by uploading your resume/CV to:
- Instantly match to the best fitting jobs for you
- Personalize your preferences and showcase your experience for employers
- Quickly apply to jobs in as few as 2 minutes
Find Opportunity
- Simple, fast-loading job search
- Find job openings based on your license and location
- Access exclusive opportunities with partnered startups, hospitals, and telehealth companies
- Find full-time, part-time, contract, per-diem, and remote jobs
Easy to Apply
- Use your uploaded resume to quickly apply to any job
- Create a DirectShifts Profile to showcase your experience and skill
- Receive invitations to apply from Employers
- Want personalized assistance? Use our DirectShifts concierge team!
- Set your Job Preferences
- Receive personalized job match emails
- Express your interest and submit your requests for unlisted employers
- Find a full description of the job posting
- Read company descriptions and facility details
- Easy contact the Recruiter and Hiring Manager for more details
- Review previous employers and share your experience.
- Secure credentialing documentation storage to access your documents on the go!
- Set reminders for documentation expirations
- Access to our Credentialing & Licensing experts for renewal or new licenses
- When you work through us, access and submit Timesheets on the mobile app!
- Exclusive promotions and discounts in our Perks & Benefits for clinicians
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