Dinantia APP
- School always on your mobile
- Free app
- Messages are not duplicated
- Receive a notification when the school sends you a message
- Save as highlighted those messages that you want to consult quickly in the future
- Easily consult your children's school menu
- Calendar and attendance
- Bidirectional application. You will be able to send messages to the center (requires the center to activate it).
- Check messages securely. The data travels encrypted by SSL.
- Web and mobile application
- Unlimited messages at no added cost
- Ask questions and receive answers centrally
- Attach any type of file (PDF's, photos, videos, etc.)
- Manage shipments flexibly
- Reading confirmation of sent messages and statistics
- Group calendar
- Roll call from any device
- Stop Bullying
- School menu
- Sending Newsletters
- Posting news on the wall
- Monitoring the class with positive skills (collaborates with classmates, participates in class, has done homework, etc.) or negative skills (reprimand, expulsion, bothers classmates, etc.)
- Possibility of preparing a personalized application with the logo and colors of your educational center
- Compliance with the LOPD. In addition, all data travels encrypted by SSL.
Contact Dinantia through dinantia.com to register your center.
Find out more about Dinantia:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dinantia_Mobile
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dinantiamobile
Web: https://dinantia.com/es/