DiLoc|Sync APP
The complete information of employees / women who travel a lot, gaining more and more importance. Since not anywhere an Internet connection can be provided that these documents must also offline, so be directly available on the devices.
DiLoc ® | Sync has been designed specifically for this purpose and is characterized by a very easy-to-use and user-friendly interface. The app is multilingual designed so that each user can select their language and thus all documents in this language can be made available.
DiLoc ® | Sync is available for devices with Android operating system, iOS, and Windows 7 or Windows 8th
Target groups
- Engineer
- Bus driver
- Pilots
- Sales Representative
- Sales staff
- Service Technician
- ...
Note: | Sync server needed To use this app, is a DiLoc. Without this the app server is not available!
For more information, see www.diloc.de / sync
or call us on 0049 (0) 2778 372 00 00