Diims APP
"Do not lose your most valued possession"
Everyone knows ærgelsen and hassle of losing one of his dearest possessions - not to mention the economic costs.
What is Diims?
Diims is a unique product that is designed to avoid all the hassle about what losing a possession. It is cheap, effective and, above all extremely easy to use.
How does Diims?
Diims is a tracking device that you can install in your belongings. Through a nationwide network, your property first, last position in the public space all the time will be recorded and mapped on our website. Diims works everywhere in the public space within Denmark.
Compared with traditional GPS genfindingsløsninger have battery Diims a very long life and is also one of the cheapest genfindingsløsninger on the market.
How do I get Diims?
You buy and subscribe to Diims. Every month you pay a modest fee for access to use Diims genfindingsteknologi. That way, you always have to know where your belongings were placed last. With your Diims subscription you get a free login for both WEB and APP, where you can follow your particular Diims.