Create a shop at your current GPS location for others to view and buy products

Latest Version

Dec 29, 2023

App APKs

DigitalShop APP

Digital shop is an app that will allow you to create a virtual shop then customise that shop and add products to that digital shop at your current GPS location and then the digital shop customers can then see your Virtual shop in the local area and then can start ordering the products that you have on display in your virtual digital shop.
Digital shop is for everyone so you could be a restaurant or pub or just be someone selling food prepared at your home or a young person selling their old toys for some extra pocket money without delivery charges
Digital shop is available on iPhone, Android and windows 10 and hopefully in time on Mac OS.
So digital shop is free but to keep my expenses down I have to limit you all to 3 groups with 10 items to each group but it I find away to make enough money to keep this app going then I will increase that. I have added subscriptions in order for the digital shop user to add more items and see no adverts but currently this is not working so as of version one you cannot subscribe to receive the extra options but I do have a website that is where you can login and upgrade via PayPal for 5 pounds a month
If you like my app and would like your own private version, then please contact me so that we can work out implementing this for you and obviously the cost in doing so. So that it shows your company name instead of Digital shop and your customer when downloading the app would only see your shop so no map or barcode needed in order to interact with you . And connecting to your own server if that’s what you want.
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