Digital Signage APP
1. Install the application on your Android TV.
2. View the first three introductory product slides.
3. On the fourth screen, you will see an activation code on the left side of the screen, and instructions for mapping the screen on the right side of the screen.
4. Sign up for the service at from a web browser on your laptop.
5. Navigate to the media section to upload any images or videos you wish to display.
6. Once you have uploaded your media, go to the "Screens" section.
7. There will be five boxes, each representing a screen. Each screen will have a plus (+) icon on the top right corner.
8. Click on the plus (+) icon and enter the activation code from step 3.
9. You will see details of the screen associated with that activation code. Click the submit button to proceed with mapping the screen. On successful submission and mapping, you will receive further instructions on your Android TV in video form.
10. The newly mapped screen will have a button labeled "Add/View Posts". You will not see any posts yet since you have not created any. Click the "Add Post" button on the top right corner of your laptop screen.
11. A new page will appear containing multiple layouts and other post criteria. Select a layout, choose your media, select screens, edit the post title and status, and then click "Save" on the bottom right of the screen. Your post will now be added.
Return to the "Screens" section, click the ellipsis button for the mapped screen, and three options will appear:
12. Rename
13. Refresh
14. Unlink
15. Click the "Refresh" button, which will display a warning pop-up. Click the "Ok" button on the pop-up, and your Android TV screen will automatically refresh and begin playing the content you added from the content management system.