DIGI-BEL GmbH is an innovative cloud provider in the field of document digitization, especially in tax consulting. We develop applications that enable our customers to work together one hundred percent digitally. With DIGI-BEL tax consultants can optimize the cooperation with their clients in the field of document digitization. With the simplest of tools, receipts are digitized and transferred to the tax advisor at DATEV company online, without clients having to use companies online themselves.
Various ways of digitizing receipts (scan app, web scan, direct scan via Brother scanner, e-mail forwarding, invoice download from online portals, cloud storage connection such as DropBox)
DIGI-BEL data cloud with full text search
Client DMS, audit-proof, TÜV-tested
Client evaluations so easy that everyone knows immediately where their own company is
Solution for the GDPR-safe exchange of documents between law firm and client
No complicated installations necessary
No complicated authentication procedures when logging in to a client
Multi-client and multi-user capability
Platform independent, no matter if Windows® or Mac®, Android® or iOS®