Download the new APP DIEXCA GRUP. We are leaders in the commercial distribution of frozen, refrigerated and ambient products for hotels, restaurants, collectivities and retails.
We offer quality product at a competitive price.
We are a company created in 1973, with more than 50 years of experience in the sector, bakery, pastry and hospitality.
We have a wide range of products at different temperatures from the best national and international manufacturers.
We are committed to the constant improvement of a comfortable, fast and whenever you want service. For this reason, through our app you will have the option to make your recurring purchase and choose from a wide variety of products from our catalogue. You can also count on the best customer service and personalized advice by telephone or at our CASH&CARRY store, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
So easy and fast!"