Dicionario RAG APP
This aplicación, Free, fully operational and free of advertising, conten over 55,000 terms coas their definicións, synonyms, antonyms, examples and pronunciation of most entries. It's nail tool designed for day to day of persoas that Falan and escriben en Galician and can be of great Axuda in the educational world.
The Dicionario works sen requirement to be connected. The pronunciation of words, verbal conxugador, the Word of the Day and Xogos, requiren connect wedge wifi or cell datos.
* Search con predictive text con maculinos and female
* Definicións, synonyms and antonyms
* System automated actualization of palabras base
* Synonyms Finder
* Verbal Conxugador
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* Examples of use palabras and expresions
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* Conexión co Portal das Palabras amosar to the Word of day and Xogos
* Possibility to share terms (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp ...)
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