The Mobile Evidence-Based Medicine Application.

Latest Version

Feb 13, 2019

App APKs

Diagnose APP

This app is intended FOR PHYSICIANS with a working knowledge of likelihood ratios and only available in ENGLISH. Otherwise, please do not download the app as it will not fit your needs.

This popular app which is used by over 130,000 physicians worldwide has just launched a premium version, which is updated with latest evidence from series such as the Journal of the American Medical Assocation's Rational Clinical Examination Series.

**** 'The top 10 quick reference medical apps for iPhone released in 2013' - iMedicalApps *****

Diagnose is a novel medical app which aids clinicians in the diagnosis of common internal medicine conditions. The app allows users to incorporate validated findings from the history, physical examination and investigations to calculate an evidence-based likelihood of disease. This app is intended for use by internal medicine physicians and trainees, with the goal of improving patient care and medical education at the bedside.

Diagnose provides you with an evidence-based pre-test probability, validated likelihood ratios and a calculated post-test probability based on your findings for over 45 of the most commonly seen conditions in internal medicine. The data is validated from sources (JAMA Rational Clinical Exam Series, etc).

When examining a patient with a presumptive diagnosis, such as stroke, physicians can now see in real-time how specific findings on the history, physical exam and laboratory evaluation of patients alters the likelihood of disease.

"Diagnose is a fantastic app that encourages the application of evidence-based medicine in clinical practice."
- Daniel Schwartz, MD

The following evidence-based summaries are included in this app:
Acute Cholecystitis
Acute Otitis Media, Child
Alcohol Problems
Cancer, Family History
Cardiac Arrhythmia, Any
Cardiac Arrhythmia, Significant
Central Venous Pressure
Compliance and Medication Adherence
COPD (Multivariate)
Death after Cardiac Arrest
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Ectopic Pregnancy
Headache, Need for Neuroimaging
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Hypovolemia, Adult
Hypovolemia, Child
Influenza, >60 years old
Influenza, any age
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Knee Injury, ACL
Knee Injury, Meninscal Tear
Meningitis, Adult
Myocardial Infarction
Osteomyelitis, Diabetic
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Pleural Effusion
Pneuomnia, Adult, Community-Acquired
Pneumonia, Infant and Child
Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated
Renal Artery Stenosis
Septic Arthritis
Streptococcal Pharyngitis
Temporal Arteritis
Thoracic Aortic Dissection
Upper GI Bleed, Locating
Upper GI Bleed, Severity
Urinary Incontinence, Women
Urinary Tract Infection, Women
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