Dhikr application for daily tasbihat and religious days.

Latest Version

Oct 14, 2022

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Dhikrmatic APP

Free dhikrmatic application for daily tasbihat and religious days on the phone, set a dhikr goal, chant.

Our dhikr counter gives warnings such as sound and vibration at every click, so you do not have to constantly look at the screen while dhikr.

You can complete the counter value you set with the dhikr limit feature.

You can calculate the tasbihat you are missing for sharing, and you can complete the missing dhikrs to your tasbihat friends around you.

Our digital dhikrmatic application is very easy in terms of modern interface and usage. At the same time, you can change the color of your dhikr as you wish with the dhikrmatic color support. You can use our digital dhikrmatic, Tasbih application without internet dhikrmatic feature anywhere.

• Free digital dhikrmatic for daily tasbihat
• Dhikr target setting feature
• Alerts such as sound and vibration
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