Developer options APKOpções do desenvolvedor APKOpciones de desarrollo APKДля разработчиков APKTùy chọn nhà phát triển APKสำหรับนักพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์ APKخيارات مطور البرامج APKGeliştirici seçenekleri APKOpzioni sviluppatore APKOptions pour les développeurs APKEntwickleroptionen APK개발자 옵션 APK開発者向けオプション APKOpties voor ontwikkelaars APKOpcje programistyczne APKडेवलपर विकल्प APK開發人員選項 APK开发人员选项 APKKehittäjävaihtoehdot APKОпции на програмиста APKKūrėjo parinktis APKOpcije za razvojne programere APKIzstrādātājiem paredzētas opcijas APKFejlesztői lehetőségek APKПараметри розробника APKMožnosti pre vývojárov APKMožnosti za razvijalce APKOpcions del desenvolupador APKОпције за програмера APKUtvecklaralternativ APKmachaguo ya mtengenezaji APKOntwikkelaaropsies APKOpsi pengembang APKPilihan pemaju APKΕπιλογές για προγραμματιστές APKאפשרויות מפתח APKMožnosti pro vývojáře APKUtvikleralternativer APKگزینه های برنامه نویس APKIndstillinger for udviklere APKOpţiuni dezvoltator APK
A simple, convenient shortcut to the Developer Options screen.
Android Developers, here is a simple, convenient shortcut to the Developer Options screen. Life is too short to scroll through the settings menu; I was getting tired of it so I did like my Grandpappy always told me and I made a solution. It won't fix your leaky faucet or make you rich in a day, but damnit it'll get you to the Developer Options screen quickly and efficiently. It's simple, it's easy and it works.
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