Detran SC APP
View the data, infractions and debts of your vehicles, pay fines and other vehicle debts, download the annual licensing (CRLV-e), apply for CNH renewal, and much more! All without queues, safely and without charging extra fees.
Available services:
* Vehicular consultation (See data, infractions and debts of a vehicle);
* Issuance of CRLV-e (Annual Vehicle Licensing);
* Scheduling face-to-face service;
* Renewal of CNH (National Driver's License);
* Request 2nd copy of CNH;
* Request definitive CNH;
* Apply for an International Driving Permit (PID);
* Issuance of certificates, such as vehicle ownership certificate, CNH registration certificate, among others;
* Follow up processes, such as infringement processes and suspension of the right to drive
* Submit Prior Defense / Appeals for Suspension or Infringement Proceedings