Desk Clock APP
Instead of rating this app down, please send email to the developer or open a ticket on the issue tracker with feature requests or problems. We will try our best to resolve any issues you might have, but cant respond to comments!
** Note: Button brightness settings is not functional on all hardware. I will implement fixes as I discover them. If you set button brightness to 0% and it does not work, try setting brightness to 1% **
This is the free version. It gives you all the same features, as the donate version. Consider helping support the developer and purchase the donate version. The donate version will always be updated before the free version.
* Keep the screen on (dim or bright)
* 12 or 24 hour time
* Seconds display options
* Choose background and font color
* Choose between many fonts (including Binary!)
* Screen Saver Mode
* Font scaling (with pinch-zoom)
* Support for hardware Desk Docks
* Support for devices without a menu button