Der Elterngeld Planer APP
The parental allowance planner
Plan your parental leave and calculate how much parental allowance you will get!
💡 The parental allowance planner helps you make the right decisions when planning your parental leave
❓ & # 8195; How much parental allowance do I get?
❓ & # 8195; How much money do I have available each month?
❓ & # 8195; How long?
❓ & # 8195; What if I work part-time?
❓ & # 8195; What is during my maternity leave?
❓ & # 8195; How does my parental leave affect my entitlement to vacation?
Applying for parental benefit is a complicated process. The planner knows many of the stumbling blocks and helps you to avoid mistakes. It gives you a preview of how much money you can expect in about every month.
✔ & # 8195; Easily create a parental benefit plan on your phone or tablet
✔ & # 8195; Save any number of plans in the premium version!
✔ & # 8195; Helpful error messages if your plan does not comply with the Parental Allowance Act
✔ & # 8195; Filling your plan quickly with drag & drop
✔ & # 8195; Helpful tips & tricks to get the most out of your parental leave
✔ & # 8195; The app calculates your vacation entitlement in the years in which you take parental leave
✔ & # 8195; Summary of your plan, including total and average income
✔ & # 8195; takes normal and extended maternity leave, sibling bonus, multiple allowance, independence, ... into account
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Plan your parental leave and calculate how much parental allowance you will get!
💡 The parental allowance planner helps you make the right decisions when planning your parental leave
❓ & # 8195; How much parental allowance do I get?
❓ & # 8195; How much money do I have available each month?
❓ & # 8195; How long?
❓ & # 8195; What if I work part-time?
❓ & # 8195; What is during my maternity leave?
❓ & # 8195; How does my parental leave affect my entitlement to vacation?
Applying for parental benefit is a complicated process. The planner knows many of the stumbling blocks and helps you to avoid mistakes. It gives you a preview of how much money you can expect in about every month.
✔ & # 8195; Easily create a parental benefit plan on your phone or tablet
✔ & # 8195; Save any number of plans in the premium version!
✔ & # 8195; Helpful error messages if your plan does not comply with the Parental Allowance Act
✔ & # 8195; Filling your plan quickly with drag & drop
✔ & # 8195; Helpful tips & tricks to get the most out of your parental leave
✔ & # 8195; The app calculates your vacation entitlement in the years in which you take parental leave
✔ & # 8195; Summary of your plan, including total and average income
✔ & # 8195; takes normal and extended maternity leave, sibling bonus, multiple allowance, independence, ... into account