You've got a room full of shoes. You've only worn a few times. There are even those you never wear. Some of them are not well suited to new trends. You know that they occupy space in vain; you spend a fortune in the middle of your shoes to give to anyone. Do not worry about it! Store your shoe republic in DEPOM's special storage units and make room for your life. Suddenly you fell in love with the first group of leather sitting in front of you. You take your very special sitting group to darken your eye and exaggerate the installment; But you cannot grind with your current living family. Do not worry about it! In DEPOM's secure storage units, we look at your own family as if we were children.
You've only used the treadmill a few times. As you cannot get rid of your excess weight, now the treadmill has started to become redundant. Do not worry about it! Rent one of DEPOM's secure storage units; get rid of your excess.
Come to DEPOM for more items; 7/24 secure, insured, moisture-free, pest-controlled, hygienic storage units rent one of your own suitable; Don't miss out on more of your stuff.
Keep your eyes behind! You will have the key to your personal store. Control your belongings at any time; add new items to your repository.
There is now more room for your excess in DEPOM. Hurry up, take out your life with DEPOM.
You can call us to get quality service at reasonable price from our contracted shipping company.
Safe, practical and useful life support ...
first time in Turkey, complete security, clean yourself by placing your belongings, an organization that offers Tank Units can lock yourself.
In the DEPOM building, all indoor and outdoor areas are protected by advanced security technology in the area under 24-hour security supervision.
Each customer's access to the floor, the entrance and exit of the Warehouse Units (on-off) are kept in electronic environment.
The common areas and corridors are kept under continuous video recording.