Depok Single Window Application For Community Needs Depok City.

Latest Version

Jan 25, 2025

App APKs

Depok Single Window - DSW APP

Depok Single Window, an application for various matters.

Depok Single Window is a media for the people of Depok City to facilitate information services that can be accessed on smartphones with only one application
Use Depok Single Window For:
1. Prayer Times
This feature displays prayer times in Depok city

2. Emergency Call
Do you need an emergency call?
When you need an emergency call, we are ready in 7x24 hours.

3. Weather
This feature provides weather information in Depok city based on your location

4. Traffic
This feature provides information on traffic conditions in Depok city based on your location.

5. Map of Depok
This feature provides information on maps in Depok city based on your location, in this feature you can find the location of objects around you.

6. Depok News
Depok News is here to make it easier for you to find the latest news in Depok City

7. Job Vacancies
This service contains information on job vacancies that are provided specifically for the area of ​​Depok City

8. Health
This service contains health information starting from a list of health centers, a list of hospital services, a list of hospitals, and disease information in Depok city

9. Education
This service contains educational information starting from the list of schools in Depok city, information on passing grade of junior high school, high school, vocational school, educational calendar information, and information about PPDB

10. Tax
This service contains information about the UN, SAMBARA (Samsat Mobile West Java) and there is also a feature to check the PB and Samsat bills, which you can check online here

This service contains information about BPHTB and there is also a BPHTB payment check feature, which you can check online here

12. Licensing
This service contains information about licensing and there is also a permit tracking check feature, which you can check online here

13. PLN
This service contains PLN Depok information

14. Zakat
This service contains information about Zakat and also information on zakat payments through Depok BAZNAS

15. Aspiration
With this service you can convey your aspirations about Depok City, we will protect your privacy.

16. Contact Center
With this service you can submit complaints through calls to the Depok contact center
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