Deneme Çöz APP
Online Exams
In our essay, online exams are available for our students. Exams in our application are as follows:
- TYT Exam (1st Session)
- AYT Exam (2nd Session)
- KPSS High School Exam (Secondary Education)
- KPSS Associate Degree Exam
- KPSS Undergraduate Examination
- DGS Exam
You can easily learn what you are interested in with the forum that we prepared as an experiment and share the questions you can not solve for the other members to solve.
Score Calculations
Another feature included in the Trial Resolve application is the points calculation. The data we have used in the calculation of points is the current data of ÖSYM and the score calculations give almost correct results. Points calculations included in the application are as follows.
- TYT (YKS 1st Session) Points Calculation
- AYT (YKS 2nd Session) Overall YKS with Score Calculation
- KPSS High School (Secondary) Score Calculation
- KPSS Short Cycle Score Calculation
- KPSS Undergraduate Score Calculator
- DGS Score Calculation
- ALES Score Calculator
Preferred Robots
Another feature that is in our trial decode application is the preferred robots. With the help of preferred robots, you can get an idea about many topics such as the base points of the universities, the types of points, the success ranking, as well as their quota, whether they are paid (if they are scholarship or not). Preferred Robots included in the application are:
- YKS Preferred Robot
- DGS Preferred Robot
- In the near future, our KPSS Preferred robot will also be included in our application.
How long to take the exam
One of the features of our application is the countdown tool for how long the test remains. Thanks to the count-counting tool, you can easily learn how long the exam remains, and you can prepare your work program in a much better way.
- How Long is the TYT Exam
- How long is the AYT?
- How Long Is the KPSS High School Exam
- KPSS How much time is left for the exam
- How Long is the KPSS Undergraduate Examination
- How long is DGS?
The latest news
Our application also includes current news about education.