Where is the nearest defibrillator? The most extensive data base in Germany.

Latest Version

Oct 8, 2024
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Defikataster APP

AED database for all

life saving defibrillators if they are used only fast enough. This requires an extensive and well-maintained data collection. The nonprofit organization Definetz e.V. operates one of the world's largest register with locations of defibrillators. Its published data can be more find 27,000 locations (as of 10/05/2017). The current processing status is displayed in the app in real time. Since into account not only the pure locations in the collection, but also includes details of operators, maintenance or accessibility, the helper in an emergency should not face the proverbial closed shop door.

Another unique feature of the app is that it can also display mobile systems (vehicles) with their current location, so immediate help can be requested on site as well.

The data acquisition and control is, unlike many other offerings of this nature, uncontrolled by the users of the app. Full-time employees of the association and a network of trained local volunteer supporters research proposals submitted and provide a high quality standard of each record.

The work of Definetz e.V. is manufacturer-independent and non-profit. The association is funded entirely by donations and membership fees. They also support the work of Definetz e.V.!

with this first version, DCM offers an Android app that implements the access to the data of the best Defikatasters and other valuable information.
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