deer ecarsharing APP
Find available cars
- Select at which location you would like to book your car
- Available and already booked cars at this location will be shown to you
Flexible booking
- Book spontaneously or longer in advance
- Billing only when used
- Enter your estimated travel distance and receive recommendations automatically
Get trip overview
- Before the final booking you can see all your entered data again
- Car make, car name and license plate number are displayed
- Pick-up location and booking duration are displayed
- Costs for the booked rental are shown to you
Easy to use
- With the help of the app you can open and close the car with just one touch
- Before/after booking you get a check log about cleanliness and damages in/on the car
- Complete the booking easily with the app
Shape the future positively
- Support with us the electric mobility and strengthen our environment
- The e-cars are charged at our stations with electricity from hydropower
- Cost savings - payment only when used
- Modern supplement to public transport (ÖPNV)
Interested in experiencing innovative sharing? Then simply download the app and book your ride!