Death Date APP
The purpose of the application is to provide a useful tool for people to make better decisions about their lifestyle and health care, in order to extend their life expectancy and ensure a healthier life.
The calculation is based on a number of factors, such as age, health status, medical history and lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, etc.). The user can easily and quickly enter his information and receive an accurate result on the remaining lifetime.
Death Date was developed with the help of GPT Chat and Github's Copilot, in a pair programming process, ensuring that the code is safe and reliable.
There is no need to worry when using the app as it is designed to provide you with useful information without causing anxiety or fear. Death Date is a useful tool for anyone who wants to plan their life and take care of their health.
To use Death Date, simply download the app from your device's app store. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us through our support.