An app to execute complex and time consuming tasks in Govt. Offices with ease..

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Mar 8, 2024
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Dealing Assistant APP

"Dealing Assistant: Bridging the Digital Divide" is an App to aid Government Employees, particularly of Jammu & Kashmir, in execution of office tasks by providing ease of calculations for complex tasks which otherwise would take hours together to complete without error.


1. Earned Leave: Calculate number of earned leave days between and inclusive of two intended dates and also save it for late references.
2. Age/Experience: Calculate the Age and Experience attained on any particular date.
3. Pay Structure: Convert Pay structures from 6th Pay Grades to 7th Pay Levels and vice versa.
4. Pay Fixation (Revision, Pay Level, Promotion): Fix the pay of an employees upon Pay Revision, Promotion to higher Pay Level & simple fixation into next Pay Level.
5. Monthly Pay (Salary Statement in PDF): Calculate the components of Pay and generate the Salary Statement in PDF format showing "Earnings" & "Deductions".
6. Annual Increment: Calculate the next annual increment in the month of July or January.
7. Arrears ( Dearness Allowance, Promotion, Increment): Calculate arrears upon increase in rate of Dearness Allowance, Promotion in retrospective date and release of previous increments.
8. Qualifying Service: Calculate the qualifying service in 6 monthly periods to be used in calculation of Pensionary benefits etc.
9. Pension & Family Pension: Calculate the amount of Pension/Family Pension to be received on superannuation
10. Death Cum Retirement Gratuity: Calculate the DCRG after attaining superannuation
11. Commutation of Pension: Calculate the commutation amount of pension due at the time of superannuation. It also shows the commuted value of pension and residual pension.
12. Earned Leave Account: Calculate and generate Earned Leave Account in PDF format to be used to maintain the Earned Leave balance which can be used to calculate Leave salary at the time of superannuation.
13. Leave Salary: Calculate the total amount of due cash in lieu of Earned Leave days accumulated in the Earned Leave account.
14. Dearness Allowance Rates: Search for the rates of Dearness Allowance on particular date.
15. Half Pay Leave Account: Generate Half Pay Leave Account for the Half Pay leaves availed till particular date.
16. Retirement Date: Calculate the date of superannuation given the date of birth and retirement age.
17. Income Tax (Tax Statement in PDF): Calculate the Income Tax using either the OLD METHOD or NEW METHOD and generate the Income Tax statement in PDF format which would help an employee to choose the one which is more beneficial.

Sources of the information:
The app is provided as a third party data calculation software, wherein various mathematical calculations strictly adhere the rules notified by Government of Union Territory of J&K from time to time via official Government websites:

Disclaimer: This Mobile App is not represented, endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, sponsored by or in any way officially/politically connected with any Government Agency or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The contents of this app, including without limitation, all data, information, PDF reports, links are provided as a convenience to our app users and are meant to be used for informational purposes only. We do not take responsibility for decisions taken by the user based solely on the information provided in this app. we just provide ease of calculation for complex tasks which are based on the information gathered from above trusted sources of Government organizations which are available in the public domain. Application is not affiliated with any Government services or person.
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