VRC Tracker APK

VRC Tracker

- VRChat Tracker (Assistent-App)

Zeigen Sie Ihre VRChat-Freunde, Einladungen und Avatare an und verwalten Sie sie

Aktuelle Version

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App APKs

VRC Tracker APP

VRChat Tracker is an unofficial companion / assistant / helper app that lets you manage your VRChat friends, invites and avatars in a convenient way, with multiple sorting options. The app was released in early 2019 and is still gaining features.

Please note that you cannot login with a standalone Steam or Oculus account but you can easily merge it into proper VRChat account by following the official VRChat guide https://help.vrchat.com/hc/en-us/articles/360062659053-I-want-to-turn-my-Steam-Oculus-or-Viveport-account-into-a-VRChat-account

Some of the app's features:
See who you blocked or muted in the past.
Look up the author of the avatar that a user is currently using.
Browse missed invites.
Check hidden user ranks.
Search for worlds and users.
Recent worlds.
Backup your favorite avatars.
Get notified when your chosen friends are online.
Manage your avatar list.
Switch your avatar's privacy to public or private without reuploading.
Change your status description and biography.
A lot more features planned.

There is an option to support the development by purchasing dark theme within the app.
Read/write external SD data permission will be prompted if you decide you want to backup your app data into a file so that it does not get lost.

If you have any questions, requests or encountered bugs, feel free to email me at vrctracker@gmail.com.
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