Analog-Oszilloskop? Diese App berechnet: Hz, Phase, RMS-, Dienst-, Amplitude, Flankenzeit.

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Oscilloscope Mate PRO APP

***The PRO version is advert free.***

Designed for those who have older analogue oscilloscopes but have no onscreen measurement capabilities.

I made this after getting fed up of using a calculator all the time to try and work out exactly what I was frequency I was seeing on screen!!.

So I decided to make an Android App to do it all for me and it kind of grew from there!

Found it to be more useful than I thought as I now find myself using the scope more and more now I understand what I'm seeing!

Have fun and let me know if anything is wrong with the App... feedback is always welcome.

- Frequency Calculation in Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz etc
- Rising/Falling Edge Time Calculation.
- Phase Calculator displaying results in Degrees, Radians, Quadrants, Frequency and time offset.
- RMS Calculator displaying RMS values of Square Waves (Various Duty %), Sine Wave, Triangle Wave, Sawtooth Wave. Includes adjustment for probe attenuation.
- Duty Calculator of a square wave based upon pulse on/pulse off duration.
- Amplitude Calculator based upon voltage, number of divides and probe attenuation.
- Ripple Calculator based upon voltage, probe attenuation etc (With ATX and USB information)
- Current measurement for small draw circuits.

General Features:
- Has a 'Keep Alive' option for the screen in the menu.
- All answers from the calculators can be copied to clipboard if you wish to move the answers to a 'proper' android calculator etc.
- All answers can be Shared amongst other Android Apps that support the Androids 'text' format. (SMS, eMail, Viber etc etc etc)
- All screens are scrollable and scalable so should support the smallest (~120ppi) resolution devices right up to the largest tablets out there!
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