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NovelReader - free Asian and Japan light novel APP

Library of the best, popular and free chinese novel, japanese novel, korean novel and others

All light novel are sorted by genre: adventure, psychology, romance, xianxia, sport, seinen, xuanhuan, shonen, tragedy, thriller, horror, wuxia, fantasy, school, action, ecchi, humor and others

You can choose a light novel from the catalog or search it by name.

Each light novel contains a synopsis, country, year and number of chapters. New chapters are automatically added after the translation!

App have have own rating system, so you can see see most popular novel

Customize your reading mode as you want: light/dark mode, change font and font size

Offline mode. Save your favorites novel and make it available offline

We advise you to start exploring on famous novels as The King’s Avatar, Dungeon Defense, The Desolate Era,Skeleton Knight, Going out to the parallel universe, Praise the Orc, Against the Gods.

Also we recommend you to choose most popular novels: Tales of Demons and Gods, Martial World, Against the Gods, God and Devil World, Hail the King, Versatile Mage, Release that Witch, Warlock of the Magus World.
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