WhatsApp Web auf Ihrem Handy - keine Werbung - volle Unterstützung Medien

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Mobile Client for WhatsApp Web (no ads) APP

Whatsapp Web To Go - Mobile Client for Whatsapp Web
This app lets you access WhatsApp Web on your mobile phone or tablet.
It has full support for sending audio and pictures / video, no ads, full working runtime permissions for sending pictures, videos and voice messages.

-free and without ads-

Use it whenever you want to use another WhatsApp account via Whatsapp Web on your phone. E.g. if you have a work and a private phone you can use both WhatsApp accounts on both via Whatsapp Web. Or if you forgot to charge your phone before going out with friends, just connect WhatsappWeb To Go on your friends phone, leave yours at home charging and answer messages anyway!

With a clean and easy interface it's fun to use - it even shows up as running on an android phone on the phone where whatsapp is installed!

Just connect your phone as you would on your computer on https://web.whatsapp.com.

The keyboard is blocked from popping up, otherwise it would open everytime you click on a chat. To unbock it, press the keyboard icon on the top right. Use the same icon to block it again. The app will remember your choice.

This is the first public release, thanks for all the beta feedback so far! If you have problems just send a mail or create a github issue. Try to use english or german there please.

INTERNET: obvious
RECORD_AUDIO/MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS: audio messages and video
CAMERA: video and pictures

Known Problems:
- On Kitkat (4.4.4.) phones you're currently unable to use this app. Look there for more info: https://github.com/92lleo/WhatsappWebToGo/issues/1
- When taking a picture the preview is grey, just click on the chat on the left, then back in the chat window and the preview will appear
-native crashes: a few people get native crashes, please report them and tell me what you did when that happened. thanks!
-some people can't scroll the chats. Please check if you have the latest app version installed. Also check if https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.webview and https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.android.chrome are installed and up to date
-you can't download images/documents/videos for now

Plan for next releases:
Run in background
Show notifications when new messages arrive
Fix the other known problems

This app is open source. You can check the source at https://github.com/92lleo/WhatsappWebToGo

This app is in no way affiliated with WhatsApp Inc. The rights for WhatsApp and WhatsApp Web belong to WhatsApp Inc.
This app is a private project to enable the use of WhatsApp Web on Android Devices
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