Minesweeper Classic Plus GAME
Minesweeper game starts when a you tap on a cell. The first click is always safe and reveals a number or an opening surrounded by numbers.
Each number tells you how many mines touch the cell.
You can mark a mine by putting a flag on it with the long tap. If all the mines touching a number are flagged, you can press both buttons on that number to clear the remaining adjacent squares.
• You can change difficulty (% of mines on map).
• Zoomable map (cells / squares size).
• Google Play Games achievements and leaderboards (optional).
• Can be played offline!
• Tap on closed cell to reveal it.
• Tap and hold (long tab) on closed cell to flag it.
• Tap on opened cell to reveal possible mines (hint).
Enjoy the pop-up ads free version of the original classic minesweeper game.