Nutrition For Pregnant APKПитание для беременных APK
Schwangere Frauen sind herzlich eingeladen, um herauszufinden, interessante und gesunde Fakten
It’s important to know exactly what to expect when you are expecting! Pregnant women are welcome to find out interesting and healthy facts about Pregnancy Nutrition and Food. This app contains a vast content of different food along with their complete Nutritional values, Vitamins, Micro and Macro Minerals! A lot of pieces of advice are shared that can be essential for Pregnant women and their future babies! Discover new information about the usage of various Foods, find out how to satisfy the Pregnancy Cravings properly. A great deal of Recipes are also shared in the app, so that, Moms-to-be, you can easily form up your Pregnancy diet. Pregnancy is a joyous journey and this app can guide you through it keeping your Pregnancy safe and healthy!
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